The Real Estate

Millionaire Blueprint

Greetings, I’m Sanan Sanani, a 29-year-old Real Estate Investor who has achieved millionaire status. I’m aware that you likely have numerous inquiries, such as:

– Who exactly am I?
– What’s my background and journey?
– What subject matters are covered in the course?
– What’s the cost associated with this course?
– Is this course a suitable fit for my circumstances?

Rest assured, you’ll find answers to all these questions and more in the following sections.


So who am I, what is my story, and most importantly, how does that affect you?

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sanan Sanani. I’ve spent the last 5 years buying real estate and now I am up to owning 3500 sqm of rental properties and ambitiously aiming to own 10,000 sqm of income producing assets by the time I am 30. Those doors right now pay me well over $32,000 in revenue every month without me lifting a finger. I profit around $15,000 a month usually which more than pays all my bills. I am literally financially free because of Real Estate and could retire tomorrow if I wanted to. Now, I am about to buy a hotel with the proceeds from my other properties.

I am 29 years old and I never have to work again for the rest of my life. I am not saying this to show off.

I am saying this in hopes to inspire you, to prove to you that if I can do it, your average C student, then you can do it too. 5 years ago, I had 0 properties and knew 0 about Real Estate

I’m here to tell you that I worked hard, but I’m not special. You are already smart and if you are here then I know you are ok with putting the work into building a better life for your family. So all that’s missing is the education, roadmap, tools, and capabilities. And that’s where this course comes in…I teach you everything I did and also how to find a strategy that works FOR YOU. We all are different ages, live in different markets, have different amounts of money, etc. There is a strategy for you, I PROMISE! I literally put my HEART AND SOUL into this course for half a year, perfecting every single detail in order to give you the best experience possible so that when you finish, you have all the info you need to take IMMEDIATE ACTION towards financial freedom through Real Estate Investing!


So what is included in this course?

Over 8 hours of video content of me walking you through the ENTIRE System & Process from A to Z Over 2 hours of me going online showing you EXACTLY how and where to find deals, how to run the numbers, and how to determine whether or not a deal is a good or bad deal for some of the most popular strategies (Literally INVALUABLE! I have never seen another educational product do this).

Your own copy of my Real Estate Calculator for several strategies and Real Estate Organization Sheet to track all your to-do items, leads, contacts, and more!

A recap workbook with ALREADY DONE NOTES to help you make sure that you are retaining the information as well as building more and more of YOUR plan as the course goes on!

I provide you with 5+ strategies to get started based on your current money situation, experience, where you live, and more. It doesn’t matter how much money you have right now, how much experience you have, or where you live. I go through all of this to help you build a strategy and hard plan so that when you finish the course you have a plan of attack for you to start executing on. No more procrastinating!

Overall Value: $10,000 – not even counting the time I took to prepare all of this!

Scheduling a direct call with Sanan Sanani

Are you ready

to take advantage of this deal and get started on your Real Estate Journey?

Then click the button below to book a call with me.


Question 1: How long is the training? What if I fall behind?

This core training is NOT hundreds of hours long like some other programs.

There’s no fluff… No B.S.
We dive straight into the training, and only include what you need to know and do.
Question 2: What if I already have one or two rental properties? Will I still need this?

If you dislike having more money, then the answer is “no.” 

Otherwise, the answer is an emphatic YES! 
I teach an unconventional strategy that involves multiple tenants paying you, which results in monthly PROFITS on your rental properties.
Question 3: "What makes this different from all the other “real estate” programs out there?"

The truth is, there’s nothing else like this program. 

Most real estate “gurus” offer products that revolve around being better at sales, becoming a successful realtor, or how to flip properties. 
I’m teaching you how to invest in a certain type of property that allows you to earn PROFITS on top of every expense, including your mortgage payments.


Question 4: "Ugh, I don't want this program to become yet another thing on my to-do list."

The last thing I want is this to feel like I’m giving you a “task” for you to complete on your “to-do list.”

Question 4: "Ugh, I don't want this program to become yet another thing on my to-do list."

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Question 5: "I don’t want to be a slum lord dealing with tenants."

This comes up a lot from potential investors, so I thought I’d address this here. 

The secret to NOT being a slum lord is to NOT get trouble tenants in the first place. 
I cover how to do that in detail in the program, but I’ll give you a quick insight here… 
It all comes down to knowing how to pick the RIGHT tenant from the start, so you don’t have to deal with any issues down the line.
Question 6: "I already have to deal with mortgage payments on my own home - why would I get another property?"

 If you’re reliant to pay all of your bills on just ONE source of income, you’re in a vulnerable position. 


Question 7: "How much time will it take to start seeing results?"

This all depends on your current willingness to take action, and the amount of capital you currently have to invest in a property.


Question 8: "Do you have a guarantee?"

Yes – if you implement our system and do NOT secure a cash-flow generating rental property, we will give you a full refund.



How To Find Deals

Learn how to tell a good and bad deal apart, a good and great deal apart, a deal and a steal apart, learn how to find a great deal in any market, whether the market is up or down.

How To Fund Deals

Learn about the power of leverage and how you can risk less of your money and use more of other peoples money to fund your real estate deals.

How To Build a Passive Income Portfolio

Learn how to get your first property, then your second, third and fourth, and so on… using a proven formula.

And way more…

    • Evaluate the current state of your finances
    • Overcome limiting beliefs about money and investing
    • Set personal objectives to achieve financial freedom and
    • Think and operate like a seasoned real estate investor
    • The way millionaire real estate investors think 
    • The proven formula for success
    • How to map out your 15-year investment plan
    • The psychology and How To’s of creating wealth through rental properties
    • Learn how to have the banks’ money work for you and not against you
    • How to analyze the property and formulate an offer
    • Learn the various tax lop holes
    • The five frameworks of building a profitable, cash-flowing property portfolio
    • How to build your team of A players
    • How to find and attract motivated sellers
    • Creative ways to invest with ZERO money down 
    • Buy, Renovate, Rent, Refinance, Repeat 
    • Several Wealth and Cash Building Strategies
    • How to calculate fix and flip deals (walkthroughs)
    • How to build and maintain your network
    • How to negotiate for a win-win situation
    • Landlording, management, and maintenance
    • And even more…

I am all about DOING, I will help you set up processes, systems, and knowledge structures first and then have you START Real Estate the right way.

I’m so glad i decided to purcahse your real estate course! I’ve always wanted to get into real estate but didn’t really know how and just kept telling myself ”the info is out on Google” and sure it might be – but your course is unmatched on everything real estate. I highly recommend this course, especially to anyone overwhelmed by real estate but also to anyone considering it, literally ALL the info you could ever need is there! – Nelson.

Nelson Menezes

Entry Level Investor

Well i bought a car last year with the purpose of driving me to A to Z, and this year I purchased the course with the purpose of using my main income to create a side income in real estate so that i can feel more stable and secure and not rely on my main income alone since COVID caught me off guard and taught me to expect the unexpected. I bought this course the same way I bought my car – complete! YES I know i could watch youtube videos and search google, but that’s more like trying to build the car on your own and that’s where mistakes are made! This was DEFINITELY worth it you absolutely overdelivered Sanan! Well Done.

Marcus R.

Entry Level Investor

I not only took Sanan’s course, which helped me understand what i’m doing and why i am doing it, but I took and I’m taking ALL of his services! From the minute I landed in Tbilisi, Sanan helped me acquire a property which appreciated tremendously throughout the year thanks to the renovation work his team did, and they said I was going to earn $500-600 per month but once it was done they rented it out for me for $1000 which completely blew my mind. Even though this course teaches me how to do it myself, I stil use his team to help me look for more

Pavel Tichy

Entry Level Investor

I was thinking like a ’bout to be Home Owner’ not a ’bout to be Real Estate Investor! I knew the difference but I never really knew how BIG of a difference it could be. After meeting Sanan my criteria and mindset completely changed and I ended up buying TWO one bedroom apartments on the same floor and Sanan helped me throughout the way from the purchase, to the negotiations with the banks, to the light cosmetic makeover and renting them out! Thanks a bunch. Now Sanan’s team and I are currenlty looking for more!

Adrian M.

Entry Level Investor

As if you needed any more explanation on the value of the course…this is also what you are getting


First and foremost, the price of the course was determined by the amount of value it provides. I am, without a doubt, providing you with twenty thousand dollars worth of value, if not more! And right now I am selling it for not even 1/10th of the value at checkout. So why price it so low if it is “worth so much”? Because I want to say thank you to all the people who have supported me over the last months as my account has grown. A lot of you helped me to know what exactly it is you are seeking to know about Real Estate and it helped me to design a course to match that. Full disclosure, the price of the course will definitely go up as time goes on.

Time & Experience

Not only did I spend half a year of my time working on it. But I’ve spent half a decade learning about Real Estate, taking action, making mistakes, having success, and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to give you the information to make your journey a whole lot easier than mine was!


All of this information may be out there on the Internet for free. But when you buy a car, you don’t go on a search for the tires, then the roof, then the engine, then the hood, etc. You just buy the car. Looking for the pieces would take you years and you would never get on the road. This is the same thing. If you were to try and find all of this info if would literally take hundreds of hours and even then it will still not be processed and packaged for you in an easy to understand format. All that work has been done for you and put in one place!

Course Curriculum

RMB101: The Foundation Of A Millionaire Real Estate Investor

Lesson 1: Are you ready? (7mins)

Lesson 2: The Proven Formula For Success (25mins)

Lesson 3: The Dynamic Trio  (15mins)

Lesson 4: The Possibilities Are Endless (15mins)

Lesson 5: ACTION! (13mins)

Lesson 6: Where You Are Now And Where You Want To Be (4mins)

RMB102: The Mindset Of A Millionaire Real Estate Investor

Lesson 1: Money is NOT the root of all evil (5mins)

Lesson 2: The 7 Extracts From A Millionaire’s Mind PT1 (35mins)

Lesson 3: The 7 Extracts From A Millionaire’s Mind PT2 (30mins)

Lesson 4: Giorgi’s Rule (5mins)

Lesson 5: How to make money and become rich ”it’s so simple!” (4hr 30mins)

RMB103: The Blueprint Of A Millionaire Real Estate Investor

Lesson 1: John Jacob Astor (5mins)

Lesson 2: The Net Worth Model (25mins)

Lesson 3: The Financial Model (35mins)

Lesson 4: The Network Model (26mins)

Lesson 5: The Lead Generation Model (57mins)

Lesson 6: The Acquistion Model (1hr 5mins)

Lesson 7: Acquisitions Sheets Walkthrough (20mins)

Lesson 8: Final Notes (8mins)

RMB104: Becoming The Millionaire Real Estate Investor
  1. Property Acquisition Strategy Sessions with Sanan or an expert from his team (During every property purchase / bank refinancing )
  2. Creative Financing, LLC Structuring , and sourcing other peoples money (1 Hour Zoom + Contract Templates)
  3. 15 Year Game Plan (1 Hour Zoom Call)
  4. Entry Level Consultation Call with Sanan (1 Hour Zoom)
  5. Preparing you for 4 Green Houses 1 Red Hotel (1 Hour Zoom Call) 
  6. RMB Community Access & Virtual Meet ups (Lifetime)
  7. Group Calls (Scheduling)

Note: RMB104 is not included in this offer and is only available for members who have finished the previous videos.

My Guarantee

VALID  if you implement our system and do NOT secure a cash-flow generating rental property, we will give you a full refund.

VALID  if you don’t make 3 times your invested amount within your first year.

Full Refund

However, you need to follow our exact step by step process and document and show us you attempted to put the work in.
If you plan to join The Real Estate Millionaire Blueprint and expect to purchase a rental property but do NOT plan to take action and follow our system, please do not proceed.

Is this course right for you?

    1. Are you interested in a better life for yourself and your family? Are you tired of just getting by?
    2. Could you use an extra $500, $1000, $2000, or $5000 as passive and unearned income EVERY MONTH? Could that get you that new car, or pay for your kids’ school, or maybe a few vacations a year for your family?
    3.  Do you want to know how to use Real Estate Investing to buy back your time and become Financially Free one day?
    4.  Are you wanting to learn more about Real Estate but don’t know where to start?
    5.  Have you read countless books about Real Estate but feel like you are still missing necessary information to take action?
    6. Do you want to know where to find the best deals and how to calculate what makes a good deal?
    7. Do you already know about Real Estate but you aren’t sure how to develop your own strategy and make the jump?

Have you ever wanted the freedom to do

what you truly desire, when you want, and where you want, to sit back and have investments do the work for you?


You may be glad that you are reading this.

Learn how you can leverage your day job to create a side income in Real Estate WITHOUT needing a lot of time, money, and experience


I Want You To Imagine Something…


what it would be like to have monthly PROFIT coming into your bank account, knowing your tenants are essentially paying off your mortgage…


the financial “peace of mind” you’ll experience knowing you’ll be making money from your property increasing in value, along with the fact you’ll be able to sell it for a LOAD of money down the road…


how your LIFESTYLE would change with that extra monthly cash coming on TOP of your pay cheques…

You’ll be able to take spontaneous vacations, eat out more often, spoil your spouse, or do whatever you’d want to.


In short

this will be able to completely transform your financial future within the next 90 days.

Does this sound appealing?


 Here’s The Bottom Line With The Real Estate Millionaire Blueprint

This is created for primarily for income earners who are doing well earning a living, but want to secure their financial future.

Grab Your 7-hour intensive course to help you make powerful, lucrative choices in the world of Real Estate Investing


Discover The Real Estate Millionaire Blueprint

If followed properly, this course WILL show you the way millionaires are being created through real estate from starting with rental properties that actually generate cash flow PROFITS!

The Real Estate Millionaire Blueprint

IS FOR You if…

    • You’re currently a homeowner.
    • ​You have a job, or you’re a business owner with a consistent source of income.
    • ​You have at least $60,000-$100,000 in capital to use as a down payment
        • (note: if you’re on your way to having that type of capital in the near future – this is STILL for you!!)
    • ​You have a burning desire to secure your financial future, and reap the rewards of earning monthly profits.
    • ​You’re willing to follow a proven system, even if it means you step out of your comfort zone, and work OUTSIDE of your 9-5 job
        • (note: most of the work is required to get the property. After that, it’s just maintenance and collecting monthly payments)

The Real Estate Millionaire Blueprint

IS ٔNOT FOR You if…

  • You’re a broke college student in debt.
  • ​You have no money in your savings account and are living paycheck to paycheck.
  • ​You’re unemployed with no money and think this is a solid opportunity to “save you” from your situation.
  • ​You’re short-term focused and are not concerned with having a great financial future.

Who is this course for

I don’t mean to be harsh, but I want to make it clear that:

This DOES require some money, and income earners with a decent salary are preferred

In addition, I want the RIGHT people to join as I truly believe it’s the greatest way to build wealth, and almost nobody is talking about this.

Which is why we’re NOT going to allow anyone into the program.


What Would This Be Worth to You?

If all this did was give you a sense of satisfaction and peace of mind that you have an additional source of income that isn’t JUST your paycheck…

Would it be worth it?


If all this did was give you more SPENDING money to use for vacations or nights out with the family.

Would it be worth it?


If all this did was give you a sense of accomplishment knowing that you’re one MAJOR step closer to securing your financial future into retirement.

Would it be worth it?


If so, I encourage you to take action.

Discover The Real Estate Millionaire Blueprint

If followed properly, this course WILL show you the way millionaires are being created through the real estate from starting with rental properties that actually generate cash flow PROFITS!


The Hub , Terenti Graneli 12



+995 555 002 393 



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